Sociosfera's Home Care

Sociosfera's Home Care

Sociosfera Onlus has been operating in the Lombardy region with consolidated experience for more than thirty years and is one of the two cooperatives that collaborate in the management of WeMI Pacinotti.

It is made up of a team of around 500 professionals from educational, welfare, social-health, psychological, rehabilitation and reception services, assisted by a good number of volunteers.

Sociosfera combines care interventions aimed at minors, the elderly, adults in difficulty and people with disabilities with initiatives and services aimed at everyone: citizens, families and businesses.

It has been active in Milan for some time, thanks also to the presence of its Proximity Center in via Antonio Pacinotti 8, where WeMI Pacinotti is based.

The Proximity Center also coincides with the headquarters of the coordination of some services offered by the cooperative on various projects including the Milan home care system and the WeMI desk.

One of the flagship services of the Sociosfera cooperative active in Milan is Home Care.

Home care has been defined by the World Health Organization as "the possibility of providing at the patient's home those services and tools that contribute to maintaining the highest possible level of well-being, health and function".

Sociosfera Onlus has gained solid experience in the home services sector, guaranteeing professionalism and attention to detail.

The service is available to elderly people and people with disabilities and the services, provided through ASA operators, consist of personal hygiene activities, assisted bathing, sponging, handling, beard and mustache shaving, hair washing and health monitoring .

The service is offered both privately and in accreditation with the social services of the Municipality of Milan and can now also be activated through the new WeMI portal!

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Updated: 12/10/2020