Online psychological counseling Passpartu

Online psychological counseling Passpartu

At this moment more than ever, the Comin Cooperative wants to reach citizens and offer them the possibility of accessing the psychological consultancy service even remotely.

The Comin Cooperative offers citizens a remote psychological consultancy service. This is a confidential and non-judgmental listening space that offers the possibility of accessing online even in the event of lockdown and quarantine.

In particular, in this period of uncertainty due to the Covid emergency, the daily lives of all of us have changed and changes and imbalances in family, work and relational life are evident. Psychological interviews can help to deal with relational problems, emotional difficulties, anxiety, fits of anger or to process trauma, grief and suffering.

For more information you can contact WeMi Venini: 344 0284924 - 344 0381677


Updated: 03/12/2020