The first collaboration agreement between public and private has been signed for the enhancement of corporate volunteering

The first collaboration agreement between public and private has been signed for the enhancement of corporate volunteering

The Municipality of Milan signs the first Collaboration Agreement to promote corporate volunteering, between Nhood Services Italy SpA and the Comin social cooperative.

The Agreement, lasting 18 months, provides that the company undertakes to offer its collaborators, so-called "Nhooders", the possibility of carrying out eight hours a year - already foreseen by the Company - in corporate volunteering activities in support of projects and workshops proposed by the Comin Social Cooperative. In fact, already during 2023, numerous Nhooders have joined, giving substance to Nhood's commitment to bring its community closer to environmental and social issues, to create greater knowledge and connection with the realities of the territories in which it operates and to promote actions with direct impact on social value.
Volunteers will be able, for example, to dedicate themselves to activities in favor of the elderly of the Casa del Tempo, the minors of Ariadne's Thread or young people with slight disabilities of the Hang Glider or Soundbeam Syndicate.
This acronym occurs in coherence with both the municipal Regulation on the Participation of Active Citizens in the Care, Shared Management and Regeneration of Urban Common Goods - in this case valorising corporate volunteering undertaken by companies that decide to participatively support activities in support of local communities -, both with the corporate social responsibility objectives in the territory that Nhood Services Italy pursues in line with its company policy, and of which volunteering constitutes a virtuous example.

The signing saw the participation of Gaia Romani councilor for Civic Services and Participation, Ethel Brezzo head of RFI (Resources & Fund Investment) of Nhood and Emanuele Bana vice president of Comin. 

Updated: 06/02/2024