The Collaboration Agreement has been signed to create "Out. Il Cortile Sociale" inside the Municipal Market of Viale Monza 54

The Collaboration Agreement has been signed to create "Out. Il Cortile Sociale" inside the Municipal Market of Viale Monza 54

Milan, February 15 2023 – New life for the courtyard of the covered municipal market in viale Monza 54. The collaboration agreement between the Municipality of Milan and the Associations MEMO2 APS, Il Vespaio ETS and Genitori Ciresola ETS to give life to OUT. The social courtyard. We are in the Nolo district where, thanks to a regeneration and a profound urban transformation started with the opening of new meeting points and tactical urbanism interventions, the market is finding a new vitality, supported by the work that the Administration is carrying out to recognize a social role to these places. The “OUT. The social courtyard", which adds an important piece for the revitalization of the entire area, consists in the conversion of the internal courtyard belonging to the market (about 54 m70) - now used as a waste collection site and largely not used – to restore a social space to those who live in the neighborhood. The project is financed by the Fondazione di Comunità Milano and the Claudio De Albertis Foundation Fund and sees the support of the Polytechnic of Milan in the process of carrying out the intervention and in the planning of the cultural and social activities that will animate it.

“Today's signature – states councilor Romani – comes following a virtuous path started some time ago, with which we have evolved the Viale Monza market area, enriching it with activities with social, cultural, aggregative and recreational purposes . I would like to thank very much all those involved, because this project demonstrates once again how the active participation and collaboration of the social and associative fabric can give rise to extraordinarily beautiful results, such as that of the social courtyard. A place, now disused, which is preparing to come to life and become a container for social and cultural opportunities".

Updated: 01/06/2023