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Milan World City #Rainbow

Milan World City #Rainbow

Round table: The Responsibilities of Recovery. Mistura Allison - curator, Justin Randolph Thompson - new media artist, cultural facilitator, Soukaina Abrour - visual artist.

Workshop and debate sonic powa hour: notes on archives + gazing. Mistura Allison, curator.

Performance and debate Nenamaya “Life”. Dudù Kouate, musician and cultural mediator.

Milan, what a spectacle

Milan, what a spectacle

Lella Costa interviewed by Ira Rubini

Filippo Timi interviewed by Sara Chiappori

Elio De Capitani interviewed by Ira Rubini

Cristiana Capotondi interviewed by Barbara Sorrentini

Milan to read

Milan to read

#Milanodaleggere - The shadow of the champion

#Milanodaleggere 2021 - It's not time to die

#MilanoDaLeggere - Women who hate flowers

#Milanodaleggere – It was the Milan to drink

#Milanodaleggere - The closed room

#Milanodaleggere - This is not a love song

#Milanodaleggere - The queen of tar

#Milanodaleggere – Black in Milan

#Milanodaleggere - The brotherhood of bones

Boschi di Stefano House

Boschi di Stefano House

Lorenzo Mari interprets the two paintings by Gianni Dova from 1947 entitled "Toro"

Andrea Inglese interprets Mario Sironi's work, "Urban landscape", 1919

Biagio Cepollaro "reads" For Composition 1954, by Alfredo Chighine

Francesca Genti "reads" Mario Sironi's Mountain Fairy

Betty Gilmore as Enrico Prampolini, "Negro Mask" (circa 1927)

Ana María Pedroso Guerrero interprets Lucio Fontana's work, "Concetto spatial" (1955)

Marilina Ciaco interprets Lucio Fontana's Concetto spatial from 1957

Francesco Forlani, "Controcanto"

Marilina Ciaco, "For the fishermen"

Antje Stehn, "Childhood knotted in hair"

Giuliana Nuvoli interprets Alberto Savinio's opera, "The Annunciation" (1932)

Andrea Inglese "The ladle"

Mariasole Ariot interprets Lucio Fontana, "Concetto spatial" (1957)

Museo del Novecento

Museo del Novecento

#Raccontidel900 - Art Talk 08

#Raccontidel900 - Art Talk 07

#Raccontidel900 - Art Talk 06

#Raccontidel900 - Art Talk 05

Museum calls School

Context and vision. Chiara Casarin and Elena Forin meet Franco Guerzoni

Archeologies of the possible. Davide Ferri meets Franco Guerzoni

Caring for the Fragment. Ugo Volli meets Franco Guerzoni

#Raccontidel900 - Art Talk 04

#Raccontidel900 - Art Talk 03

#Raccontidel900 - Art Talk 02

#Raccontidel900 - Art Talk 01

Silvia Grilli

Italo Rota

Cristiana Capotondi

Fabio Novembre

Oriella Dorella



Henry Bertolino

Marva Griffin Wilshire

Esther Purple

Ana María Pedroso Guerrero

Emiliano ponzi

Francesco Messina Museum Study

Francesco Messina Museum Study

“democracy, perhaps never been lost or suffocated”

Steli walls, Giovanni Tesio for Valerio Righini - part one

“…I understand EVERYTHING and then I understand NOTHING” Fiammetta Giugni for Valerio Righini

Steli walls, Giovanni Tesio for Valerio Righini - part two

“Black angels…bubbling ink…” Gilberto Isella for Valerio Righini

“On his materials, in my words” Marco Ceriani for Vincenzo Balena

Four strokes, Roberto Rossi Precerutti for Valerio Righini

“...keep your fire that cooks and depicts” Giovanni Raboni for Vincenzo Balena

“I have a mechanical brain, green, admirably detailed and very united, expandable, ergonomic…”. Maurizio Cucchi for Vincenzo Balena

Valerio's angels