Contribution for the removal of architectural barriers

Law no. 13 of 9 January 1989 provides non-repayable financing to people with disabilities, up to a maximum of €7.101,28 for the implementation of interventions aimed at overcoming architectural barriers in private buildings. 

The contribution must be requested by March 1st of each year by the person concerned or by his guardian and must refer to works not yet completed which eliminate obstacles to his mobility in the property in which he resides.


The application for Contribution for the removal of architectural barriers must be submitted exclusively online through the Elixform platform.

Please note:  L'autorizzazione rilasciata in fase di compilazione della domanda (17. AUTORIZZAZIONE) è valida solo ai fini dell'istruttoria e non costituisce autorizzazione all'inizio dei lavori.
Si precisa altresì che l'autorizzazione all'inizio dei lavori verrà comunicata tramite e-mail all'indirizzo di posta elettronica associato allo SPID.

Per effettuare la domanda online è necessario essere in possesso di un'utenza SPID o di Carta d'Identità Elettronica (CIE).

For information on the contribution, write to the following email address:

leaving a telephone contact.

For support in completing the application, you can go to the Architectural Barriers Contributions Office in via Sile 8 - entrance 3
by appointment to be requested by calling the following numbers:

  • 02 884.53399
  • 02 884.66443

Monday to Friday from 8am to 30pm.

For information on completing the application, contact the following telephone numbers:

  • 02 884.53399
  • 02 884.66443

Monday to Friday from 8am to 30pm.


Updated: 26/04/2024