Use the taxi service

Complaints and information

  • Email
  • Phone

What rate is applied?
The cost of the taxi service is determined exclusively by the taximeter or with the application of fixed rates for pre-established routes. Each passenger pays exclusively the amount indicated by the taximeter.

Motorway tolls and parking The motorway toll is only included in the pre-determined rates.
In all other cases it is excluded from the rate and must be paid separately. During the ride, the passenger has the right to request a waiting stop of up to a maximum of 1 hour. In this case, in addition to any amount marked on the taximeter, the user must advance as a deposit the sum corresponding to the rate established for 1 hour of stopping.

Complaints and disputes
In the event of disputes, it is essential to obtain a payment receipt from the taxi driver with the following information:

  • taxi number
  • date and time of the ride
  • route taken
  • amount paid.


Then, contact the Sharing and Public Vehicles Office of the Municipality of Milan at the following numbers:

Access the service using one of the channels listed below

02 884.64962 / 02 884.66884
active from Monday to Friday, from 09:00 to 12:00 and from 14:00 to 15:00


Updated: 07/07/2023