Assignment of cells to a deceased person

The request can be made directly by a person or by delegation to a company authorized to carry out the procedures, at the municipal offices (companies carrying out funeral activities or authorized to operate in city cemeteries on behalf of third parties - marble workers or builders category).

No forms of booking are foreseen. The assignment is subject to the availability of cells in the chosen cemetery. 
In the event of the opening of new departments, the assignment takes place according to the provisions determined from time to time by the Area Manager. 


To request a cell a written request is not necessary, the request is made verbally at the counter indicated below.

To sign a contract with the Municipality for a duration of 20 or 30 years, renewable, it will be necessary to present:

  • copy of a valid identity document of the requesting person;
  • tax code of the requesting person.

In case of delegation to a company also present:

  • delegation;
  • copy of a valid identity document of the delegating person.

In case of application in derogation for transfer to Milan of a deceased person:

  • written and reasoned request;
  • revenue stamp of Euro 16,00;
  • copy of a valid identity document of the applicant.

For information or to carry out the process of assigning a cell, contact:

Office for renewal of burials, exhumations and exhumations
via Larga, 12 – 1st floor - room 107
Offices open on an appointment-only basis

To book an appointment:

To submit an exemption request

In case of hand delivery:

General Protocol of the Municipality of Milan
(click to find out times and methods)


If sending by post, address to:

City of Milan

Funeral and Cemetery Services Area - Management

Via Larga 12 - 20122 Milan

Updated: 23/11/2023