Grants, contributions, subsidies, economic advantages

This section reports the data and information relating to the acts of granting grants, contributions, subsidies and financial aid to businesses, and in any case of economic advantages of any kind to public and private persons and bodies, provided pursuant to art. 26 of Legislative Decree no. 33/2013.
The data required by the legislation must be easy to consult, accessible to search engines and in an open tabular format that allows for export, processing and reuse.

Furthermore, the Municipality of Milan no longer publishes the Register of Beneficiaries, given the repeal of the law that established it (Presidential Decree no. 118/2000) by Legislative Decree no. 97/2016 which simplified the provisions on the prevention of corruption, publicity and transparency.

In the subsection "Concession documents" it is published, in the manner provided for by the aforementioned Legislative Decree no. 33/2013, the list of beneficiaries of the acts of granting grants, contributions, subsidies and financial aids to businesses and of attributing economic advantages of any kind to public and private persons and bodies of amounts exceeding one thousand euros on an annual basis.

Through the IT platform published there it is possible to know, for each individual year, the disbursements made by each Directorate/Area, and it is also possible to know, in compliance with the legislation on the protection of privacy, the partial data referring to each individual beneficiary.

Normative reference

Legislative Decree n. 33/2013 - art. 26 c. 1 and c. 2, art. 27 c. 1

Updated: 26/01/2023