Environmental Information

Based on the regulatory indications contained in the art. 40 of the Legislative Decree on Transparency n. 33/2013 and the Guidelines adopted by the National Anti-Corruption Authority, in this section the environmental information held by the body for the purposes of its institutional activity and/or relating to the activities and skills of other bodies operating in the field of the environment and of public health protection.

State of the elements of the environment, such as air, atmosphere, water, soil, territory, natural sites, including wetlands, coastal and marine areas, biological diversity and its constituent elements, including genetically modified organisms, and, furthermore, the interactions between these elements:

Daily air quality report

Acoustic classification


Factors such as substances, energy, noise, radiation or waste, including radioactive waste, 
emissions, discharges and other releases into the environment, which affect or may affect
on the elements of the environment.

Waste Management

Electromagnetic pollution

Electromagnetic fields

Silla 2 waste-to-energy plant


Measures, including administrative ones, such as policies, legislative provisions, plans, programs, 
environmental agreements and any other act, even of an administrative nature, as well as activities that 
affect or can affect the elements and factors of the environment and cost-benefit analysis 
and other economic analyzes and hypotheses used therein.


Electromagnetic pollution

Light pollution

Noise pollution

Maintenance control of heating systems

Contributions for the energy efficiency of buildings

Financial economic plan and TARI tariffs

Air and Climate Plan

Applications for the Air Quality Regulation

Measures or activities aimed at protecting the aforementioned elements and cost-benefit analyzes and others 
economic analyzes and hypotheses used within the same.

Environmental assessments and authorizations

Reports on the implementation of environmental legislation.

State of human health and safety, including contamination of the food chain, conditions of human life, landscape, sites and buildings of cultural interest, to the extent influenced by the state of elements of the environment, through such elements, to be any factor.

In this section the Arboreal Balance sheet must be uploaded by the Green and Environment Directorate and the data relating to the environmental and commercial control by the Operational Information Unit - Environment Unit and Ration Unit of the Local Police.

Tree budget of the Municipality of Milan

Doing Business - Installing Mobile Telephone Antennas

Doing Business - Single Environmental Authorization 

Operational Information Unit - Environment Unit

Legislative Decree 14 March 2013 n. 33 - art. 40

Air Quality Regulation

Updated: 08/09/2023