Toponymy Office

The Toponymy Office deals with the assignment of house numbers to newly built buildings or those that do not have them and takes care of the revision of the house numbering, should the need arise, as required by the art. 42 of the Presidential Decree 30 May 1989 n. 223 (New Registry Regulation of the resident population).

The Toponymy Office also has the task of naming squares, squares, wide areas, avenues, streets, alleys, parks and gardens in the city. To name streets and squares or to change their names, a Consultative Commission is convened, chaired by the Mayor or, by his delegation, by the Councilor in charge.

  • revision of house numbering
  • topographic survey of the new areas of public circulation and of the structural changes that may have occurred in the existing road structure, drawing up detailed plans for each road, or group of roads, accompanied by technical and administrative notes and taking care of the investigation of the relevant practices
  • attribution and ordering of road nomenclature
  • assignment and recording of house numbers in special cards
  • management and updating of the historical road register
  • insertion and updating of toponymic cartography relating to public circulation areas
  • issuing certifications and information on toponyms and house numbers;
  • management, control and accounting of works relating to the affixing and maintenance of road signs and numerical civic indicators
  • communication to other offices of the measures adopted regarding road nomenclature and house numbering.

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Updated: 28/06/2019