Sea Port - Major Urban Functions

The regeneration process for the Porto di Mare area intends to pursue the general objective of environmental, urban, construction, economic and social redevelopment of a peripheral and degraded sector, which recently became the property of the Municipal Administration. To this end, two notices have been published collecting expressions of interest aimed at identifying regeneration and enhancement proposals, consistent with the current urban planning regulations and with the territorial context. Among the preparatory activities for the overall redevelopment, the removal operations of the asbestos present on numerous roofs of the existing buildings have already been started, a first preliminary environmental investigation has been carried out to assess the state of healthiness of the soil and some specific regeneration interventions have been promoted urban through the activation of tenders for the concession of use of public properties for the establishment of functions predominantly of public and/or general interest (e.g. the recovery intervention of Cascina Casottello and the recent public tenders for Cascina San Giacomo and to identify the subjects who redevelop and refunctionalize the former Karma nightclub - Borgo del Tempo Perso and Cascina Carpana).

The regeneration process of the built fabric proceeds in parallel with the environmental-landscape recovery project of the system of surrounding green areas, mainly located within the perimeter of the Southern Milan Agricultural Park.

To this end, given the criticality that characterizes these areas (including the so-called "Rogoredo grove"), the Municipal Administration has stipulated an agreement with the Italia Nostra Onlus Association which has already led to important results in terms of cleanliness, maintenance, restoration of pedestrian and cycle paths, usability and re-appropriation of some areas.

Compared to the pre-existing PGT, the new PGT project provides for the subdivision of the Sea Port Area into the following sub-areas

  • the northern portion, along via Fabio Massimo, is identified as an "area for large urban functions";
  • the agricultural area located in the north-west part of Porto di Mare, between via San Dionigi and via Fabio Massimo is identified as an "area intended for agricultural activity of strategic interest" and is the subject of a proposal for annexation to the South Milan Agricultural Park;
  • the built-up areas along via San Dionigi are regulated as "areas of environmental regeneration", surrounded by the provision of further areas of "newly planned urban greenery" which guarantee permeability and continuity with the system of open spaces of the Southern Milan Agricultural Park.

In Investigation

  • with Resolution of G.C. n. 1568 of 31.07.2014, the procedure for the drafting of public initiative implementation planning documents was started.
  • with Management Resolution no. 10090/2020 of 16.12.2020 approval and announcement of the public selection notice for the concession in use for the duration of 30 (thirty) years of the municipal real estate complex called Cascina San Giacomo, located in Milan, via San Dionigi n. 77, to be allocated to activities falling within the Catalog of Services of the Territorial Government Plan of a social and cultural nature, as well as for activities aimed at environmental protection and enhancement and social aggregation (Resolution of the Municipal Council no. 1214 of 19.07.2019) - with Executive Resolution 3589 of 17/05/2021 Final awarding of the concession in use for a duration of 30 (thirty) years.
  • with Managerial Determination n.3194 of 04/05/2021 approval and announcement of the public selection notice for the concession of surface rights, for a fixed term for a maximum duration of 90 (ninety) years, of the municipally owned property called “ex Discoteca Karma – Borgo del Tempo Perso” located in Milan, via Fabio Massimo n. 36 (town hall no. 4), to be allocated to activities falling within the Catalog of Services of the Territorial Government Plan of a cultural, educational and social aggregation nature, as well as creative spaces, entertainment venues and sports equipment. – with Executive Resolution 8071 of 29/09/2021 Final awarding of the surface right concession for 30 (thirty) years.
  • with Management Resolution no. 7785 of 24.09.2021 approval and announcement of the public selection notice for the concession of surface rights, for a fixed term for a maximum duration of 90 (ninety) years, of the municipally owned property called "Cascina Carpana" located in Milan , via San Dionigi n. 121 (Town Hall no. 4). – with Executive Resolution 5063 of 23/06/2022 Final awarding of the surface right concession for 90 (ninety) years.
  • with Managerial Resolution no. 195 of 17.01.2023, implementing City Council Resolution no. 1382/2022, the public notice has been announced for the collection of expressions of interest containing technical-managerial solutions aimed at the regeneration and valorisation of the municipally owned real estate complex located in via Fabio Massimo, governed by the current Territorial Government Plan as area for large urban functions Porto di Mare (GFU Porto di Mare).
  • with Managerial Resolution n.196 of 17.01.2023, implementing the Municipal Council Resolution n. 1382/2022, the public notice has been announced for the collection of expressions of interest containing technical-managerial solutions aimed at the regeneration and valorisation of the municipally owned real estate complex located in via San Dionigi, governed by the current Territorial Government Plan in partly as an area of ​​urban renewal/area of ​​environmental regeneration and partly as a newly foreseen green area/indirect relevance.

The redevelopment interventions will be subject to the restrictions on landscape assets provided for by Legislative Decree 42/2004, Part III, Titles I, as they are included in the "complex of immovable things that make up a characteristic appearance with aesthetic and traditional value", established with DPGR 28.3.1984, n. 1350/urb.


Former Karma nightclub – Borgo del Tempo Perso”

The winning proposal, from the Social Music City company, envisages the establishment of a swimming pool with urban amphitheater and related service structures, an outdoor event area, a covered event area (tent structure), an Academy – dressing rooms – offices, a Padel courts and related service structure, Exhibition/market area under concession to “Coldiretti”, Parking area, Green area.


Cascina San Giacomo

The winning proposal, from the Nocetum Association, involves the establishment of independent housing, a mother-child educational community, job placement and training internships, training, support for families, environmental protection - park point, production and agri-food processing chain , catering and catering.


Cascina Carpana

The winning proposal envisages the establishment of artistic and craft activities, recreational, entertainment, didactic, training or educational activities, business incubation, temporary (socially protected) residential accommodation, hostel, university residences, catering activities linked to local or local agriculture. at the service of parks, sale and administration of food products from the local supply chain, social cohesion activities and support for situations of social fragility in the reference area of ​​the farm, management activities of sports centers or amateur sports associations, synthetic five-a-side football pitches mini-basketball, market square, riding stables, fences, round bar, outdoor restaurant - cafeteria, social spaces, children's playground, shared vegetable garden, dog nursery.

Notice of Expression of Interest - Large Urban Function


The public notice for the activation of an exploratory survey aimed at collecting expressions of interest containing technical-managerial solutions aimed at the regeneration and valorisation of the municipally owned real estate complex located in via Fabio Massimo, concerns the areas and buildings which make up the area for the Great Urban Function Porto di Mare, which develops along via Fabio Massimo and is characterized by the division into different sub-areas in which mainly artisan activities and sports centers are located.

See the 'Notice of expression of interest.

Notice of Expression of Interest - Urban Renewal Area - Environmental Regeneration Area and partly as Newly Forecast Green Area - Indirect Relevance

The public notice for the activation of an exploratory survey aimed at collecting expressions of interest containing technical-managerial solutions aimed at the regeneration and valorisation of the municipally owned real estate complex located in via San Dionigi, concerns the areas and buildings which make up the municipally owned real estate complex located along via San Dionigi, characterized by the division into different sub-areas in which mainly artisan activities are established.

See the 'Notice of Expression of Interest.   

Updated: 06/02/2023