Material aid to poor people - PO I FEAD

The Municipality of Milan is always attentive in listening to and accompanying the most vulnerable people and with the network of Third Sector Bodies and Associations it has been carrying forward for years the elaboration and development of services and policies to combat homelessness and serious adult marginalization.

Through a public tender (the winning body of which was "Progetto Mirasole Impresa Sociale"), the purchase, storage and distribution of basic necessities was achieved (personal hygiene products and new clothing, sleeping bags and blankets etc.) and goods to support social integration/inclusion paths for homeless people intercepted.

Project carried out with the co-financing of the European Union, PON Inclusione – European Social Fund 2014 – 2020”.

The project implemented under the Fund for European Aid to the Most Deprived - PO I FEAD, Notice no. 4/2016 - Measure 4 "Material deprivation of the homeless and other vulnerable people", saw the allocation of 4,2 million euros for goods to combat extreme poverty and serious material deprivation.

In addition to the distribution of more than 120000 basic necessities, the Project made it possible to purchase small furnishing elements to furnish the accommodation of those who, as part of a process of social inclusion, managed to find a place to live (through participation in Housing First programs, the assignment of a public residential building apartment, or placement in an apartment at controlled prices).

290 pieces of housing equipment and supplies (sofas, beds, pans and kitchen utensils, etc.) were distributed to over 120 people.

Furthermore, the restricted funds available made it possible to purchase specific tools to support training courses and promote job placement paths.

The network of Third Sector organizations involved which took advantage of the assets and also promoted social support measures was particularly significant:

  • residential reception centers (24 hours a day and 365 hours a day but also for low-threshold Cold Plans)
  • Day Centres
  • public shower facilities
  • citizens living "on the road" in conditions of homelessness through the Mobile Units.

Finally, these assets helped to address the Covid-19 pandemic emergency and to promote social, housing and work inclusion paths for over 5.000 people.

Updated: 19/12/2022