Elections of the Educational Unit Councils

The Educational Unit Councils of Children's Services of the Municipality of Milan, together with the Citizen Representation, make up the collegial bodies of Children's Services and are renewed every 2 years, with the aim of electing their members - chosen from among those who make up the educational community (parents, educators and auxiliary staff) - and promote their active participation.

For the educational years 2022/2023 and 2023/2024, the elections were held from 13 December to 15 December 2022, online.

In the Further information section of this page it is possible to consult the "Regulations of the Collegial Bodies of the Municipality of Milan".

Each vote refers to the election of a specific Educational Unit Council and allows a maximum of 2 preferences to be expressed.

The voting operation is completed by sending a notification via e-mail to those who voted.

The vote cast and confirmed it cannot be modified or deleted.

All votes are encoded and frozen for subsequent counting. This procedure guarantees secrecy, anonymity and uniqueness of the vote in line with what has been verified and recognized by the Privacy Guarantor.

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Updated: 31/10/2023