Area studies

The Area Study is a policy tool that fits between the Territorial Government Plan and the individual interventions, it does not dictate rules but proposes guidelines.

The objective is to restore the characteristics of a specific urban quadrant through quantitative and qualitative analyses, and at the same time propose a strategy capable of guiding the urban regeneration of the city. 

It should be noted that the Area Studies are not planning tools or acts pursuant to LR12/2005, but merely indicative studies for the purposes of orientation and coherence of administrative choices regarding the development of the territory.

It is therefore specified that the contents of the same are, at an urban planning and regulatory level, devoid of a prescriptive or conformative nature. Likewise, they do not appear to have the legal qualification of planning procedures applicable for the purposes of requests for morphological exemptions or other exemptions delegated to the planning instruments provided for by regional and state legislation. However, their contents must be taken into consideration as guidelines for the management of public spaces and the location of any transfers and easements.

Updated: 25/07/2023