REACT EU projects Axes 6-7

The project concerns the energy improvement of the buildings that constitute the municipal building stock, with the purpose of:

  • reduce consumption of non-renewable energy resources;
  • reduce emissions of climate-altering substances;
  • improve the energy efficiency of the municipal building stock;
  • exploit renewable sources;
  • achieve the Carbon Neutrality objectives by 2050.

The project involves the creation of a platform for urban intelligence, functional to the development of various services:

  • plan mobility and manage city times based on the emergency, analysis of movements, management and control of flows;
  • relate supply and demand, especially with respect to the availability of rent agreements, developing an updated and functional tool both for operators in the sector and for citizens who need support in finding a house at a controlled price for rent or for sale;
  • encourage offsite construction of energiesprong through the use of an open source platform for real estate development, encouraging the optimization of the design and production phases.

The interventions fall within the scope of depaving program and involve, on the one hand, the implementation of interventions aimed at increasing the drainage capacity of the soil through sustainable urban drainage systems (SuDS), in order to promote the correct management of the water resource and improve the local micro-climate; on the other, the implementation of interventions aimed at encouraging pedestrian traffic, through the removal of gray areas and the insertion of permeable greenery.

The interventions concern the urban redevelopment of city squares with a view to a definitive structural arrangement, as well as the redevelopment of public spaces, greenery and cycle-pedestrian paths.
The objective is to increase the provision of urban greenery and quality public space.

The project concerns the purchase of 117 bus 12 meters long Euro VI diesel-electric hybrid power, as the start of the overall process which, in the coming years, will lead to the complete replacement of the fleet of vehicles currently powered by diesel.

The project involves the creation of safe access to the roofs for the management of maintenance interventions and functional recovery of the rainwater drainage systems in 26 school buildings (Lot 1) and 24 school buildings (Lot 2) in addition to the redevelopment of the nursery of via Feltrinelli 11, with particular emphasis on issues related to energy saving.

The project concerns the deployment of actions for the implementation of Agile Operational Work Plan (POLA) and of smartworking, in continuity and completion of the Smart Working project already financed with the original PON Metro funds.

The project intends to create a center dedicated to childhood that implements children's creativity and multiple intelligences, experimenting with innovative activities and conciliation services to support children and families. The proposal makes it possible to strengthen social and economic resilience through the testing of an innovative model of quality educational services for early childhood, which can be an incubator for new approaches and orientations for all the city's services. This hub will take place following the energy redevelopment of the building called Ex-Cucine, located inside the Trotter Park.

The project was born with the dual objective of implementing interventions aimed at activating spaces and services for welfare in neighborhoods characterized by particular fragility of the resident population, as well as socio-work inclusion in favor of citizens in conditions of fragility and vulnerability, exacerbated from the economic crisis due to the effects of the COVID-19 pandemic.

The project concerns the redevelopment of various public facilities for people in need (Celav, CDD, public showers, cold floor, etc.).

The initiative intends to accompany the "hardware" interventions for the redevelopment of the city's peripheral neighborhoods with "software" actions that aim to strengthen the sense of community and bring out the potential for creativity, entrepreneurship and innovation present therein.
It supports the creation and/or strengthening of the fabric of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, social enterprises and third sector entities operating in the field of social innovation.

Updated: 27/04/2023