110% bonus

The Municipality of Milan has activated a digital service to support users who, intending to take advantage of the 110% super bonus referred to in the Relaunch Legislative Decree 19 May 2020 nr. 34, need to acquire the construction documents relating to the building.

To GET updated information consult the relevant page "Superbonus 110% - Italian Government Presidency of the Council of Ministers" >>> 

To SUBMIT a request for inspection of construction files aimed at verifying the legitimate status of the properties access the online service "Inspections and copies of building files" >>>
It is essential to attach the minutes of the condominium meeting in which the approval of the interventions aimed at obtaining the 110% bonus is clearly indicated.

For INFORMATION on the status of 110% superbonus visure applications

Starting from February 2021, the new mailbox has been activated InfoBonus110@comune.milano.it to which it is possible to send a request for related information exclusively to the state of processing access instances to the documents aimed at obtaining the superb 110% (i.e. those to which, at the time of presentation, the meeting resolution was attached with specific approval of the request thereof as indicated in the information contained in the portal) and of which the protocol number assigned via certified e-mail or at the deed is indicated of the online presentation and the address of the property.
Requests for information without identifying data or which do not comply with what is indicated will not be taken into consideration and must be addressed to the inbox: InfoVisure@comune.milano.it

For general technical INFORMATION relating to

The great recovery in construction work has introduced new safety problems which, if poorly managed, expose the citizen/client to civil and criminal charges:

  • the presence of companies and professionals who are inexperienced or have migrated from other production sectors;
  • workers, equipment and materials are undersized compared to market demands with the work carried out in fits and starts depending on their availability;
  • unsuitable companies, for example companies which carry out mere labor intermediation or which have just been established to exploit the contingent moment.

When construction or renovation works are carried out, individual private clients (in the case of condominium works the client condominiums who determine the choices of the assembly) have a role of fundamental responsibility for the direction towards works managed safely and professionally.
Access to tax bonuses is subject to compliance with workplace safety regulations by the client.
In fact, among the causes for forfeiture of bonuses is the violation of some obligations of the client (or his alter-ego, the Works Manager) regarding the preliminary notification and appointment of safety coordinators.

It has become customary for the client to entrust all "turnkey" works to a general contractor (who therefore assumes the role of entrusted company, as defined by law) believing that he no longer has responsibilities and duties of control over the safety of the construction site . This presumption is incorrect, because the principal can transfer the obligations to him, but only formally appointing a Works Manager (RL), who will replace him in responsibilities for site safety. Obviously, although there are no technical requirements for the appointment of the RL, the person identified must have adequate skills, abilities and powers for the role.

An important role of the client (or the RL if appointed) is the verification of the suitability of companies identified to carry out the works, which must be technically suitable and not just those currently available. Among the eligibility requirements, for example:

  • has regularly hired workers;
  • has specific technical expertise;
  • has an adequate organization for the activity to be carried out;
  • has suitable work equipment and personal protective equipment.

When the intervention of multiple companies is envisaged (practically always, in works with tax bonuses of significant amounts), the works must be coordinated by professionals appointed by the client: the Safety Coordinators in planning (CSP) and execution (CSE).
If the client identifies a general contractor company (trustee) must verify and demand that it exercises its role of operational management of the construction site, with control of the safety level in all the work carried out both by its workers and by subcontractors, not limiting its functions to a mere task of administrative and commercial intermediation .

Use the services

Updated: 24/04/2023