Civic Museums

On the museum websites you will find constantly updated information on:

  • opening days and times
  • access methods for individual and group visits
  • free and discounts.

For further news and services relating to the Municipality's exhibition spaces, visit this page

Civic Aquarium

Alda Levi Antiquarium

House of Memory

Boschi Di Stefano House Museum

Castello Sforzesco

Cimitero Monumentale

Crypt of San Giovanni in Conca

Steam Factory

GAM Gallery of Modern Art

MUDEC Museum of Cultures

archaeological Museum

Museo del Novecento

Museum of Natural History

PAC Pavilion of Contemporary Art

Palazzo Marino

Palazzo Morando - Costume Fashion Image

Palazzo Moriggia - Museum of the Risorgimento

Royal Palace

U. Hoepli Planetarium

Studio Museo Francesco Messina (closed for works)

Updated: 10/04/2024