Electromagnetic pollution

It is possible to ask to carry out measurements of the electromagnetic field generated by:

  • mobile phone antennas
  • transmission antennas serving radio and television
  • power lines in residential environments.

To report an alleged phenomenon of electromagnetic pollution, see the link on this page Report electromagnetic pollution.

Law 22 February 2001 n. 36 “Framework law on protection from exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields”

Legislative Decree 1 August 2003 “Electronic Communications Code”

Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers of 8 July 2003 which establishes the exposure limits, the attention values ​​and the quality objectives for the protection of the population from exposure to electric, magnetic and electromagnetic fields generated at frequencies between 100 khz and 300 GHz

DL 179/2012

Regional Law 11 May 2001 n. 11 “Regulations on environmental protection from exposure to electromagnetic fields induced by fixed telecommunications and radio and television systems”


Updated: 08/09/2023